
About us

Our company

Farming has been practiced on the fertile lands of the Banat in northwestern Romania for many centuries.

In 2005 we decided to set up a future-oriented agricultural company in the Banat. We took over mostly fallow parcels and merged them into efficient management units. This consolidation requires our on-site team to have precise regional and cadastral knowledge. We have successfully established the consolidation process through acquisition, exchange and leasing and will continue to do so in the future.

With the help of modern resource-saving agricultural technology, we have put the fallow and underserved areas into sustainable agricultural use. Fertilization and management have redeveloped the existing yield potential of the soil. Diverse crop rotations and conservation tillage are cornerstones of our dealings with natural resources.

The cultivation of cereals and oilseeds is our arable focus. With advanced production processes, we create healthy products. Some of our grain is processed into high-quality feed in our own feed factory and used in our pig farming. Furthermore, the organic fertilizer from pig farming is applied to our own land in a way that protects the soil and reduces emissions – this is how we live the principle of a closed material cycle, an eco-friendly circular economy.

Our Team

The BanatFarming Group offers a variety of jobs in the entire agricultural sector – from tractor drivers and livestock farmers to specialists in grain trading and agricultural services.

We attach great importance to the training and further education of our employees. In close cooperation with the technical school in Voiteg, we have been a training company in the dual system for many years.

Die Herausforderung besteht in der Identifizierung und Kennzeichnung von Parzellen mit Hilfe von historischen Katasterkarten und aktuellen Luftbildern. Das Team der BanatFarming Gruppe verfügt über eine umfangreiche Datenbasis und exzellente Kenntnisse, diese Flächen exakt zu bestimmen und zu katalogisieren. Durch Erwerb, Tausch und Pacht werden Bewirtschaftungseinheiten zusammengefügt, die einen professionellen und effizienten ressourcenschonenden Anbau von landwirtschaftlichen Marktfrüchten ermöglichen.


Circular economy

Arable farming

Feed mill

Animal husbandry

Arable farming

With the use of arable land, a variety of soil improvement work is carried out, in particular liming, organic fertilization and humus build-up. These measures raise the yield potential of the fertile soil and stabilize it ecologically. This enables us to achieve sustainable cultivation of our crops, which we market after harvesting, processing and storage at home or abroad or process them into high-quality animal feed in our own factory. In arable farming, we work according to the principles of „good professional practice” as well as European and national standards.

BanatFarming has various storage locations for grain and oilseeds. A large part of the storage capacity is located near the arable land. Our storage locations are supplemented by transshipment warehouses at the Danube port of Moldova Veche and rail loading in Moravita.

In addition to the cultivation of field crops, the BanatFarming Group offers supplementary agricultural services. We have a cross-regional machine and logistics network that quickly and reliably carries out contract work such as threshing, spreading lime/manure, mulching and transport of all kinds.

The arable land of the BanatFarming Group is located at two locations in the administrative districts of Caras Severin and Timis.

Oravița /Caras Severin

Near the Danube at the Oravita site with the surrounding municipalities of Vărădia, Mercina, Răcășdia, Greoni, Ticvaniu Mic, Brosteni, Răchitova, Agadici, Brădișorul de Jos. are the main cultivation areas of the BanatFarming Group. Centrally located in Oravita is the administration and headquarters of the companies of the BanatFarming Group. Flat Storage facilities and silos are available at the arable farming site in the vicinity of Oravita. We also have newly created options for storing, preparing and processing grain and oilseeds at the feed production site in Varadia-Mercina.

Jamu Mare / Timis

In Jamu Mare with the associated village of Gherman, our areas are almost completely rounded off and easily accessible. This location is approximately 35 km from Oravita and is 60 km south of Timisoara in the border area with Serbia. At the old train station of Jamu Mare, we have storage capacity in several halls for the crops grown there.

Feed mill

Our newly built animal feed factory in Varadia-Mercina is the link between arable farming and animal husbandry.

The self-produced feed components such as barley, wheat and corn are stored in ventilated silos and constantly checked to ensure the highest possible quality. With powerful grinding and mixing technology, we produce animal-specific, species-appropriate feed from our grain and other components. The grain can be crushed in the roller mill or ground in different grain sizes in the hammer mill. Thanks to precise weighing, dosing and mixing, the feed recipes are optimally implemented and the quality of the feed is constantly monitored. We transport the feed to the stables with our own special truck trailers, which fill the feed silos on site using a gentle auger conveyor system.

Animal husbandry

The entry into pig farming in 2015 and thus into the refinement of the grain produced was at the same time the entry into the integrated management of the company. Dependencies on external supply chains have been significantly reduced, production risks reduced and the company’s sustainability status significantly improved. The produced grain no longer has to be transported to processing regions over long distances, but is refined  into meat on site.

We keep pigs at three separate locations in the Oravita region: Two stables are designed for the production of piglets, and the fattening pigs are kept at the third location. The modern stables offer optimum animal welfare in terms of ventilation, feeding and husbandry. In all barn areas, the pigs are kept in accordance with the criteria of the national animal welfare program.. In addition to know-how and empathy for the animals, we keep a strict hygiene management and supply healthy, performance-based feed. By breeding and providing our own gilts, we avoid animal transport over long distances. Comprehensive hygiene management significantly reduces the use of medication and ensures high biological performance. Thanks to our own fleet of vehicles, animal transport can be carried out with the highest hygiene standards and without waiting times. We primarily market the piglets and fattening pigs locally in order to avoid long transport routes.

Eco Friendly

Sustainability and conservation of resources through circular economy along the agricultural value chain is our claim!


Romania BanatFarming SRL
Str. Ferdinand Nr. 6
325600 Oraviţa
County Caraş Severin
GermanyBanatFarming GmbH & Co. KG
BanatAgro GmbH & Co. KG

Christoph-Rapparini-Bogen 27
80639 München
